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Diverse Learning Environments

(o-17 months)

Infant care is designed to provide love and nurturing from a consistent caregiver. Teachers will look for
and encourage development in vocalizing, sitting, crawling, standing, and eating. Every day you can
view a written report about your child’s day. This will include the times your child slept, ate, and diaper
changes. The infant curriculum includes tummy time, group time, and cuddle time. Infants also have
daily time outdoors, weather permitting. 
Each infant has his/her own crib and place to store supplies. 

(18-35 months)

The toddler curriculum follows the Center’s weekly theme and includes plenty of activities for discovery
within the five domains of child development: physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and language.
Children will participate in Gross Motor Skills (walking, running, jumping, carrying, pushing, pulling,
building), Fine Motor Skills (scribbling, eating with a spoon, drinking from a straw), Pretend Play and
Creative/Sensory Exploration (housekeeping toys, dress-up clothes, puppets, musical instruments,
pouring, mixing, stirring), and Language Experiences (books, songs, fingerplays, concepts). Toilet
learning and outdoor play will also be daily experiences. 
Each toddler has his/her own cot for naptime and a place to store supplies. 

3 - 4 Years-old

Curriculum throughout the center is based upon the SamiTales character development program, which
consists of 40 weeks of lessons aimed at exploring positive character traits that lead to success and
personal peace. It includes three components: 8 Standards Training, Life Skills, and Coping Skills. Other
learning strands include: Performing Arts, Reading Readiness, and Discovery and Exploration. Respect
will be given to the learning pace and style of each child. A copy of the curriculum used is available upon
request. Each child has his/her own cot for naptime, a cubby to store supplies, and a coat hook. 

School Age
(5 - 10 Years-old)

School age students will participate in extra-curricular electives, Study Hall, STEM activities, outdoor play
and learning centers in the After School Program.
Each student will have a space for his/her own backpack and other personal items. School age students
who are at the center for a full day, such as during school breaks and the summer, will be asked to bring
their own sack lunch. Microwaves are available for warm-ups. Snacks throughout the day will be
provided. Information will be provided for school closure activities as well as Summer Camp themes.

© 2022 Discovery Kids Academy

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